Transportation Registration Deadline Approaching

Register before Aug. 1 to ensure service on the first day of school. Registrations received after Aug. 1 may not be processed until after Sept. 18 and will experience delays of two to three weeks before they can ride the bus.

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Our School

Our School

Crossfield Elementary School serves 325 students from Kindergarten to Grade 5 from in and around the Town of Crossfield. Our school has a warm and inviting atmosphere where all learners; students, teachers, parents and community are encouraged to achieve personal success. At Crossfield Elementary School we focus on Kindness, Safety, Respect, and Growth as being foundational to our collective success.

Foundation Statements:

Vision: To have a safe and caring environment where all learners are empowered to achieve personal success.
MissionSupportive relationships will serve as the foundation for relevant and connected learning opportunities with high expectations for all.

Motto: Kindness, Safety, Respect, and Growth

Unique Features of our school include:

Excellence in Professional Learning: facilitated coaching model, peer mentoring, embedded professional learning, action research, ILT (Instructional Leadership Team)
Warm, inviting atmosphere: guest speakers, performers, internal and external contractors, and visitors comment on the positive and gentle nature of our school.
Positive and collaborative relationships: our school community works together to plan schoolwide events, share in student celebrations, address needs of our school

Student Leadership Groups:

- Kindergarten are our community ambassadors visiting our seniors and local businesses
- Grade 1 pride themselves on keeping our school environment clean
- Grade 2 are diligent with paper recycling striving to help our forests
- Grade 3 media team makes weekly announcements and photographs school events
- Grade 4 works hard to ensure beverage containers are recycled
- Grade 5 are our mentors and role models monitoring cross walks through the AMA patrol program and assisting as lunch buddies in grade 1 and 2 classrooms
- Peer mentoring: cross grade groups work together to create technology projects, practice reading, reinforce the leadership focus grade to grade, etc

Strong Literacy Focus: Annual Story Week, Home reading program, extensive classroom libraries, Resource Assistant and Parent volunteer literacy assistance for students
Committed Parent Community: dedicated volunteers, strong home involvement, active communication
Safe and Caring environment: implementation of Leader in Me program for students and 7 Habits of Highly Effective People for staff. Staff and students model virtuous behaviours.
Environmentally focused: Annual ECO week, beverage container recycling, paper recycling, “Lights Out Fridays”

How do we define success for our students?

Success is being aware of students’ needs and removing obstacles so that all students are available for learning. Having high expectations for all students and staff, being deliberate in instruction, and using assessment to improve student learning and teacher performance results in 21st century learners who are effective, resilient citizens, actively engaged in their learning.

What makes our school good and how do we know?

The positive relationships between staff, students, parents and community make our school a wonderful and inviting place to be. With our students at the center of every decision, through every professional learning opportunity, and every pedagogical conversation we are successful in creating a vibrant, engaging learning atmosphere, focused on meeting the needs of the whole-child, preparing them for a future we can only imagine. Our school results from Alberta Education’s Accountability Pillar indicate strong satisfaction from parents, students and teachers, consistently exceeding the provincial average.

Land Acknowledgment

Rocky View Schools would like to acknowledge the land and recognize all the Indigenous Peoples whose footprints have marked these lands from time immemorial. Together, we can learn and honour the Ways of Knowing of Indigenous Peoples for all future generations.